Children of Eden
Upstage is a welcoming and nondiscriminatory organization and Children of Eden in particular is seeking an incredibly diverse and inclusive cast. We encourage community members to attend regardless of age, race, color, religion, sexual orientation, gender identity, disability, and/or experience.
Named Roles (age ranges are suggested but NOT mandatory):
The creator of all, but not all-knowing. A commanding presence, (s)he switches between caring overseer and frightening resolve concerning their "children". (s)he loves their children, although their rash actions at times appear counterproductive and illogical. High baritone/alto , 30s-50s.
Impetuous, with an unquenching thirst for knowledge and the unknown, which she attempts to balance with being a loving wife and, later, mother. Grows and matures physically and mentally throughout Act 1. Needs a dynamic acting, physicality, and vocal range. Soprano with a powerhouse belt, 20s-30s.
The obedient son torn between his love of Father and Eve, both of whom he seeks to please, who later grows to be a resolute father. Resistant and fearful of change and the unknown, from which he attempts to protect those he loves at almost any cost. A strong tenor, 20s-30s.
Adam and Eve's explosive, rebellious son. Inherits and embraces Eve's passion for knowledge ten-fold. Fueled by frustration. High pop tenor, 17-early 20s.
Adam and Eve's second son, compliant and polite. Likes order and normalcy and works toward the impossible goal of attempting to please everyone in the family. Baritone, 17-early 20s.
younger versions of the counterparts described above. 10-12. The only child speaking roles in this production. (Though many child storyteller roles are available)
The hardworking, proud father of a large household who, for the most part, does what he thinks is right, even when it goes against his own knowledge or better judgment. Has a more impersonal relationship with Father than Adam did and, as time goes on, shifts his primary focus to his family. Possibly played by the same actor who plays Adam.
Often the voice of reason and the calming center of the household for both her sons and daughters-in-law as well as her husband. Possibly played by the same actress who plays Eve.
Noah's son who wishes to go his own way and be his own man and love who he wishes despite the consequences. Determined but not as explosive as Cain. His love for Yonah tempers a tendency toward violence. Possibly played by the same actor who plays Cain.
Noah's servant, a descendent of the race of Cain and therefore at the bottom of the class system. Quiet but brave, willing to sacrifice herself to save her love. Alto/mezzo with a strong belt, 17-early 20s.
HAM- Noah's second son, loyal to his father. Possibly played by the same actor who plays Abel.
SHEM- Noah's eldest son, loyal to his father but also a bit of a controlling troublemaker. 17-early 20s.
APHRA- Ham's wife, pregnant and concerned about her baby. 17-early 20s.
AYSHA- Shem's wife, not afraid to challenge her husband when needed. 17-early 20s.
Numerous other soloists and roles played by the Storytellers.
The storytellers in this show is key and featured, they set the scene, constantly watch and participate in the action, and form a varied “race of man” that bears witness to the action. There are solos to be had, as well as opportunities for puppeteering, mime, choral singing, forming elements of the set, and advancing the story. There is a lot of harmony singing involved.
Named Roles (age ranges are suggested but NOT mandatory):
The creator of all, but not all-knowing. A commanding presence, (s)he switches between caring overseer and frightening resolve concerning their "children". (s)he loves their children, although their rash actions at times appear counterproductive and illogical. High baritone/alto , 30s-50s.
Impetuous, with an unquenching thirst for knowledge and the unknown, which she attempts to balance with being a loving wife and, later, mother. Grows and matures physically and mentally throughout Act 1. Needs a dynamic acting, physicality, and vocal range. Soprano with a powerhouse belt, 20s-30s.
The obedient son torn between his love of Father and Eve, both of whom he seeks to please, who later grows to be a resolute father. Resistant and fearful of change and the unknown, from which he attempts to protect those he loves at almost any cost. A strong tenor, 20s-30s.
Adam and Eve's explosive, rebellious son. Inherits and embraces Eve's passion for knowledge ten-fold. Fueled by frustration. High pop tenor, 17-early 20s.
Adam and Eve's second son, compliant and polite. Likes order and normalcy and works toward the impossible goal of attempting to please everyone in the family. Baritone, 17-early 20s.
younger versions of the counterparts described above. 10-12. The only child speaking roles in this production. (Though many child storyteller roles are available)
The hardworking, proud father of a large household who, for the most part, does what he thinks is right, even when it goes against his own knowledge or better judgment. Has a more impersonal relationship with Father than Adam did and, as time goes on, shifts his primary focus to his family. Possibly played by the same actor who plays Adam.
Often the voice of reason and the calming center of the household for both her sons and daughters-in-law as well as her husband. Possibly played by the same actress who plays Eve.
Noah's son who wishes to go his own way and be his own man and love who he wishes despite the consequences. Determined but not as explosive as Cain. His love for Yonah tempers a tendency toward violence. Possibly played by the same actor who plays Cain.
Noah's servant, a descendent of the race of Cain and therefore at the bottom of the class system. Quiet but brave, willing to sacrifice herself to save her love. Alto/mezzo with a strong belt, 17-early 20s.
HAM- Noah's second son, loyal to his father. Possibly played by the same actor who plays Abel.
SHEM- Noah's eldest son, loyal to his father but also a bit of a controlling troublemaker. 17-early 20s.
APHRA- Ham's wife, pregnant and concerned about her baby. 17-early 20s.
AYSHA- Shem's wife, not afraid to challenge her husband when needed. 17-early 20s.
Numerous other soloists and roles played by the Storytellers.
The storytellers in this show is key and featured, they set the scene, constantly watch and participate in the action, and form a varied “race of man” that bears witness to the action. There are solos to be had, as well as opportunities for puppeteering, mime, choral singing, forming elements of the set, and advancing the story. There is a lot of harmony singing involved.